Just before I went off on my holidays, I was at the regular monthly poetry event held by Camden-Lumen Poetry where I was proud to have one of my poems included in the latest anthology published in aid of the truly worthwhile charity, Cold Weather Shelter for the Homeless. Every month poets, some famous, some not, get together to read their work in the church (United Reform Church, 1 Buck Street, London, NW1 8NJ) where, during the winter, some of London's homeless actually find a bed for the night, partly due to the cash raised by poetry. It's a wonderful mix of poetry that actually, amazingly, raises real money for a very practical cause.
The anthology, Genius Floored: Whispers in Smoke, the second that has included one of my poems, is published by Soaring Penguin Press http://www.soaringpenguinpress.com/ so you can buy yourself a copy if you'd like to support the charity and get to read some excellent poetry. No I'm not talking about myself because I'm honoured to appear between the glossy covers of this book with distinguished poets such as Anne Stevenson, Fleur Adcock, Dannie Abse, Peter Phillips, Sue Guiney and the organiser and editor of this collection, the indomitable Ruth O'Callaghan. It's always a thrill to get poetry into print, so I'm very happy to be able to add this new book to the other anthologies that contain my work.